Fund A Child

Help Us launch another child to participate in an activity of their choice!

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LaunchPad 4 Kids Donation

Thank you for your donation! If you would like to donate to a specific child using this link, please add the name of the child, age, and activity. To receive your thank you note, please email with your physical address.

$1330 26.6%
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Successfully Launched

Sheldon, 8 years old, would love to take PIANO Lessons

Child is on a road to new beginnings and overcoming challenges that are out of his control. The child is bright and lively, and has a heart full of gold. Giving him the chance to explore what the world has to offer, and getting him involved with sports will give Sheldon a chance to explore new communities, be surrounded by positive role models, and giving him an opportunity that all kids deserve.-M.M., Nominator

$368 100%
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Successfully Launched

Adrian, 12 years old, wants to learn to play the DRUMS

Adrian was in foster care for close to a year due to unsafe and abusive parental behaviors. They have been reunited with mom and would truly benefit from positive activities outside of school.

$470 100%
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Successfully Launched

Aiyanna, 9 years old, would love to learn GYMNASTICS

Aiyanna is a sweet child but does have emotional outbursts that are concerning. Her family is working hard to provide to provide stability in her life. She would be a wonderful candidate for Launch Pad.

$205 100%
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Successfully Launched

Zoey, 12 years old, would love to learn to SWIM

Zoe is a sweet young lady that could benefit from extracurricular activities. She is a great candidate for LaunchPad.

$200 100%
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Successfully Launched

Peyton, 9 years old, wants to learn to DRAW & PAINT

Peyton is one of 5 girls in the family. Dad recently was granted all rights to them, due to abuse by mom. She had been through a lot of trauma and would benefit from being able to participate in extracurricular activities. She currently lives in a 2 bedroom apartment with 7 people and does not have much room to play or run around.

$183 100%

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