Fund A Child

Help Us launch another child to participate in an activity of their choice!

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Christyana, 8 years old, would love to LEARN to SWIM

Counselor Nomination:"Christyana's mother shared that she is a single mom of four children. She isn't able to financially provide access to extracurricular activities. She is hoping that her children will be included in the program because she knows the positive impact of being connected and participating in healthy community activities. She shared that she could see the benefits on their social skills, connection, and overall health." M.M.

$0 0%
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Briyana, 5 years old, would love to LEARN to SWIM

Counselor Nomination:"Briyana's mother shared that she is a single mom of four children. She isn't able to financially provide access to extracurricular activities. She is hoping that her children will be included in the program because she knows the positive impact of being connected and participating in healthy community activities. She shared that she could see the benefits on their social skills, connection, and overall health." M.M.

$0 0%
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Brody, 9 years old, would love to learn TENNIS

Counselor Nomination: "The family has overcome all the odds, from separation, trauma, and being a single mom of 4. The children are the most resilient beings I know, and the family has worked hard on a path of healing. As they are healing, equipping her son with the tools is paramount to continue to support them as they get to the point they need to get. The child is a lively, and strong willed kid, and this will continue to strengthen his resolve." M.M.

$0 0%
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Successfully Launched

Adrian, 12 years old, wants to learn to play the DRUMS

Adrian was in foster care for close to a year due to unsafe and abusive parental behaviors. They have been reunited with mom and would truly benefit from positive activities outside of school.

$470 100%
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Successfully Launched

Aiyanna, 9 years old, would love to learn GYMNASTICS

Aiyanna is a sweet child but does have emotional outbursts that are concerning. Her family is working hard to provide to provide stability in her life. She would be a wonderful candidate for Launch Pad.

$205 100%
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Successfully Launched

Zoey, 12 years old, would love to learn to SWIM

Zoe is a sweet young lady that could benefit from extracurricular activities. She is a great candidate for LaunchPad.

$200 100%

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