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Brody, 9 years old, would love to take KARATE Lessons

Teacher Nomination: "The family has overcome all the odds, from separation, trauma, and being a single mom of 4. The children are the most resilient beings I know, and the family has worked hard on a path of healing. As they are healing, equipping her son with the tools is paramount to continue to support them as they get to the point they need to get. The child is a lively, and strong willed kid, and this will continue to strengthen his resolve." M.M.

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Patience, 9 years old, would love to learn GYMNASTICS

Counselor Nomination: "I nominated Patience for a number of reasons. Evan and Nicholas, her brothers, were removed from mom and dad in 2017. The motel they were staying at exploded when the parent's had a honey oil lab in the room. The boys were removed from the parents and placed in foster care. Both parents went to prison. Mom got out of prison, did all her classes and completed her time on parole. She then was able to regain custody of the children. When dad, got out of prison they got back together and had two more children. There was a lot of verbal and physical abuse by dad that the children witnessed including watching dad hold a gun to mom's head after breaking into their house and destroying everything she worked hard to get for the children. They witnessed dad abuse mom serval times. This resulted in all four children being removed again from mom for failure to protect. Dad went back to prison and no further contact has been made from him. Mom, regained custody 4 years ago and the family is currently living in the Faith Works apartments. She is the sole provider for the children. The older two boys have a lot of anger issues and trauma. I believe that all the children would benefit from extra curricular activities." K.N.

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Brody, 9 years old, would love to learn to play BASKETBALL

Teacher Nomination: "Students who attend Redding Achieve Community Day School have struggled with trauma at some point in their lives and have had difficulty conforming to the demands of a comprehensive school site. When the comprehensive sites have done all they can do to correct the behavioral challenges, students are referred to the School Attendance Review Board and then can placed at Redding Achieve on a SARB contract. Students may earn their way back to a comprehensive site, once they work through a level system and meet the criteria of their contract." J.S.

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Samantha, 13 years old, would love to learn GYMNASTICS

Teacher Nomination: "Students who attend Redding Achieve Community Day School have struggled with trauma at some point in their lives and have had difficulty conforming to the demands of a comprehensive school site. When the comprehensive sites have done all they can do to correct the behavioral challenges, students are referred to the School Attendance Review Board and then can placed at Redding Achieve on a SARB contract. Students may earn their way back to a comprehensive site, once they work through a level system and meet the criteria of their contract." J.S.

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Briyana, 5 years old, would love to take KARATE Lessons

Counselor Nomination: "Briyana's mother shared that she is a single mom of four children. She isn't able to financially provide access to extracurricular activities. She is hoping that her children will be included in the program because she knows the positive impact of being connected and participating in healthy community activities. She shared that she could see the benefits on their social skills, connection, and overall health." M.M.

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Carter, 8 years old, would love to learn to DRAW

Teacher Nomination: "Students who attend Redding Achieve Community Day School have struggled with trauma at some point in their lives and have had difficulty conforming to the demands of a comprehensive school site. When the comprehensive sites have done all they can do to correct the behavioral challenges, students are referred to the School Attendance Review Board and then can placed at Redding Achieve on a SARB contract. Students may earn their way back to a comprehensive site, once they work through a level system and meet the criteria of their contract." J.S.

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